Friday, June 28, 2013
- Jayarava said...
Clearly this is only going to work for projects that the "crowd" will understand and appreciate. Which is just the sort of thing an academic funding body will not fund.
I think this is telling from Slouber: "The Kickstarter project will help me to move beyond the catch-22 of needing a book to land a tenure-track job, but needing the income of a steady job to have the time to devote to research."
The times are changing. Academic funding is highly competitive and vastly smaller than what is needed for everyone who is capable and has a worthy project to be able to proceed.
By the same token the 5 books I've published (including a memoir by my mother) were never going to find a commercial publisher (and not for want of trying). It was self publish or nothing.
So I think this is the new model - self-publishing, crowd-funding, blogging etc. 100 years ago most research was carried out by aristocrats who could afford the expense of gaining a PhD and doing research. Then governments took over and provided funds via various channels. Now governments are withdrawing from funding certain kinds of research (our kind) and thus we need to make alternative arrangements.
In terms of convincing your peers - well one of the examples you give is a development of a PhD thesis which presumably convinced many people. The other guys say "But this is not an academic work as such: it's a labor of love" and get the "former CEO and President of Yoga Journal" to endorse their work. So this is not an academic project - it uses the skills and resources of scholarship to produce something more accessible. I'm totally into that and happy they got their funding.
I'll certainly be looking into crowd funding. It might be the only way I can afford to get into the academy. -
June 30, 2013 at 11:22 AM
- elisa freschi said...
Dear Jayarava,
yours sounds like a very interesting comment, but I am not sure I understand it correctly. You say that crowd-funding only applies to non-academic crowd-appealing projects and that the Yoga one is one among then. However, I do not understand whether you think that Slouber's project belongs to this group or not. In fact, I think it does *not*. Slouber's work is a great work, but not one which is meant for a large public. It deals with manuscript variants, philology and history and as you mention, is part of his own life-plan. What is your view about crowd-funding in such cases? -
July 1, 2013 at 1:52 PM
HOWEVER, I am not sure whether this is the right path, especially insofar as it might be an escape from the responsibility of convincing your peers within the Academia of the importance of your project (I am thinking especially of projects which may sound appealing but are not well-grounded). Apart from the anti-nihilist argument raised here by Eric Schliesser (i.e., if you are a nihilist, you have far less chances to be funded than an applied ethicist, no matter who is a better scholar), here are some thoughts by Steven Lindquist (Associate Professor in the US), expressed in a the Indology mailing list —which is visible to the public— (emphasis added by me):
What do you think? I am especially worried at the idea that one starts avoiding tough research and recurring instead to appealing videos to get funded. On the other hand, I myself have often repeated that we have to become responsible for the results we want to be achieved, and cannot any longer count on state-funding.
Thus, it seems that the dilemma, in my case at least, is not about crowd-funding or not, but rather about which projects should one crowd-fund. For instance, I am ready to finance one's project about actions aiming at saving small seals in northern Canada from being killed because of their furs, a project for which the Canadian government will surely not give any money (given that it probably earns out of the fur industry). By contrast, I am not ready to finance one's vacations on the Canarian Islands. More in general: I am ready to finance what the governments do not deem right to finance (for whatever reason) but is intrinsically altruistic and valuable, whereas I am not ready to finance projects which mainly regard one's own interests. If you need a break because you are close to a burn-out, I see your problem, but will not finance you (unless you are a close relative of friend).
Did you ever participate in a crowd-funding? Why (not)?
For a post in favour of crowd-funding, see here. On different platforms, don't miss this post (and its comments) and this article (I got the link through one of the commentators to the previous post).
(small note: I am writing this post on Tuesday the 22nd of May, but I will only post it on June the 28th, that is, after the crowd-funding of Michael Slouber is completed, since I want to avoid even the very remote possibility that one should not fund Michael's project after having read my post).