Friday, December 7, 2007

Curriculum Vitae

Elisa Freschi

–Italian 5 years degree (approximately BA+MA) in Sanskrit under the tuition of Prof. Raffaele Torella and Prof. Raniero Gnoli (University “La Sapienza” faculty of Oriental Studies, Rome, Italy). During those 5 years I spent a semester in India and a semester in Vienna, where I studied in the Universität Wien under the tuition of Prof. Ernst Steinkellner and Prof. Chlodwig Werba.
–BA in Western Philosophy under the tuition of Prof. Mirella Capozzi and Prof. Marco Maria Olivetti (University “La Sapienza”, faculty of Philosophy, Rome, Italy).
–Three years degree in Tibetan Language and Civilization by the IsIAO (former called IsMEO).
–PhD in Society, Culture and Economics of the Indian Subcontinent (University “La Sapienza”, faculties of Oriental Studies, of Economics, and of Humanities, Rome, Italy).
–Advanced course in Spoken Sanskrit, organized by the university of Heildeberg and held by Dr. Sadananda Das (Firenze, 7-29 settembre 2004).

European languages known: German (KDS), English (Proficiency), French (8 years study), Italian (mother tongue), Russian (4 semesters), Latin (10 years study), Ancient Greek (8 years study).
Asian languages known: Sanskrit (also Spoken Sanskrit), Classical Tibetan, Modern Tibetan, Hindi, Bengali (2 semesters), Mongolian (1 semester).

Research areas:
–Linguistic and Epistemology of the Mīmāṃsā school, especially as regards the Sacred Texts as instrument of knowledge.
–Comparative Philosophy especially in the fields of linguistics, epistemology and deontic logic.
–Philological examination of the manuscripts of the Tibetan canon hold in the IsIAO Library.
–Study of the siddha culture both in its Indian (Sanskrit and Apabhraṃśa) and its Tibetan aspect.

–Thesis (Italian 5 Years Degree) La Mokṣakārikā di Sadyojyotis con il commento di Rāmakaṇṭha, University “La Sapienza” Rome 2001.
–BA Thesis Testimonianza e Certezza nella Logique di Port Royal, University “La Sapienza” Rome 2002.
–PhD Thesis Validity of Sacred Texts in Mīmāṃsā Tradition, University “La Sapienza” Rome 2006.

–Entries Dhammapada, Dhvanyāloka, Jātakamālā, Lokānanda, Sāṃkhyakārikā, Sukhāvatīvyūhasūtra, Suvarṇaprabhāsottamasūtra, Yogasūtra, in Dizionario Bompiani delle opere e dei personaggi di tutti i tempi e di tutte le letterature Bompiani, Milano 2005.
–Entries Agus Salim, Akhilānanda Svāmin, Aurobindo Gosh, N.V. Banerjee, K.C. Bhattacharya, Sibajiban Bhattacharya, Ā. Coomaraswamy, Daya Krishna, M. Hiriyana, J. Krishnamurti, T.M.P. Mahadevan, B.K. Matilal, J.L. Mehta, S. Radhakrishnan in Enciclopedia Filosofica, Centro Studi Filosofici di Gallarate, Roma 2006.
–Entries Abhidharma, Abhinavagupta, Advaita, ahiṃsā, anumāna, artha, ātman, Aurobindo Ghose, avatāra, Bhagavadgītā, bhakti, Bhartṛhari, Krishna Chandra Bhattacharya, Sibajiban Bhattacharya, brahman, Brahmasūtra, Buddhismo, causalità, dottrine indiane della, darśana, Surendranath Dasgupta, Daya Krishna, dharma, Dharmakīrti, Giainismo, guṇa, Mysore Hiriyanna, jñāna, Kabīr, karma, Jiddu Krishnamurti, Ananda K. Kumarasvami, Kumārila Bhaṭṭa, lakṣaṇā, loka in Enciclopedia Filosofica Treccani, I volume, Treccani, Roma 2008.
–Entries Madhava, Madhva, Madhyamaka, T.M.P. Mahadevan, Mahāyāna, Materialismo Indiano, B.K. Matilal, māyā, J.L. Mehta, Mīmāṃsā, J.N. Mohanty, mokṣa, Nāgārjuna, Nimbarka, nirvāṇa, padārtha, R.Panikkar, Patañjali, Prabhākara Miśra, prakṛti, Pramāṇavāda, puruṣa, Radhakrishnan, Rāmānuja, Ratnakīrti, śabda, Śaivasiddhānta, saṃsāra, Śaṅkara, Sāṅkhya, A. Sen, śūnyatā, sūtra, tantrismo, Theravāda, filosofia tibetana, upamāna, Upaniṣad, Utpaladeva, Vācaspati Miśra, Vasubandhu, Veda, Vedānta, Vedānta Deśika, vikalpa, Viśiṣṭādvaita Vedānta, Yājñavalkya, Yoga, Yogācāra in Enciclopedia Filosofica Treccani, II volume, Treccani, Roma 2009.

–(with A. Graheli) Bhāṭṭamīmāṃsā and Nyāya on Veda and Tradition, in F. Squarcini (ed.) Boundaries, Dynamics and Construction of Traditions in South Asia, Munshiram Manoharlal and FUP NEw Delhi-Firenze 2005.
–Kumārila’s Defence of Realism, in «Rivista di Studi Sudasiatici» 1 (2006, full free pdf here).
–Qual è la realtà di un'illusione? La risposta di Kumārila Bhāṭṭa, in «SLiFO» (2008, forthcoming).
–Mīmāṃsā, in Purushottama Bilimoria (ed.), Routledge History of Indian Philosophy, (forthcoming).
–Unveiling (Indian) Philosophy, in «Rivista di Studi Sudasiatici» 2 (2007, full free pdf here).
–Desidero Ergo Sum: The Subject as the Desirous One in Mīmāṃsā, in «Rivista di Studi Orientali», 80 (2007) (pre-print version available here –scroll down until you find it).
–Abhāvapramāṇa and error in Kumārila's commentators, in «Saṃbhāṣā. Nagoya Studies», 27.3 (2008).
–Structuring the Chaos: Bhāṭṭa Mīmāṃsā Hermeneutics as Depicted in Rāmānujācārya's Śāstraprameyapariccheda. Critical Edition and Annotated Translation of the Fourth Section, in «East and West» 58, 1-4 (2008), pp.157-184 (pdf available here).
–How do exhortative expressions work? Bhāvanā and vidhi in Rāmānujācārya and other Mīmāṃsā authors, in «Rivista di Studi Orientali» 81 (2008): 149-185.
–Review of Alex Watson's The Self's Awareness of Itself, in «Philosophy East and West» 59.3 (luglio 2009), (pre-print version available here).
–Facing the boundaries of epistemology: Kumārila on error and negative cognition, in «Journal of Indian Philosophy» 38.1 (2010), pp.39-48 (pdf available here).
–Indian Philosophers, in A Companion to the Philosophy of Action, edited by Costantine Sandis and Timothy O'Connor, Wiley-Blackwell (2010) (see a review here).
–Review of Ellison Banks Findly's Plant Lives: Borderline Beings in Indian Traditions, in «Philosophy East and West», 61.2 (2011), pp.380-5 (pdf available here).
—''General Introduction'', in Elisa Freschi, Artemij Keidan, Matilde Adduci, Cristina Bignami, Daniele Cuneo, Camillo Formigatti and Elena Mucciarelli (eds.) Proceedings of the first Coffee Break Conference: The Study of Asia between Antiquity and Modernity, Rivista di Studi Orientali 84 (2011).
–Did Mimamsa authors formulate a theory of action?, in Nina Mirnig, Michael Williams, Peter-Dániel Szántó (eds.), Puṣpikā: Tracing Ancient India Through Texts and Traditions. Contributions to Current Research in Indology. Volume I, Oxbow Books Press (forthcoming).
–Proposals for the study of quotations in Indian Philosophical texts, in «Religions of South Asia» (forthcoming).
–Does the subject have desires? The Prābhākara Mīmāṃsā answer. In: Puṣpikā 2. Proceedings of IIGRS, held at the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, 23-24 september 2010.
–Action, Desire and Subjectivity in Prābhākara Mīmāṃsā. In: Chakravarthi, Ram-Prasad and Jonardon Ganeri (eds.), Self: Hindu Responses to Buddhist Critiques (forthcoming).
—Review of James A. Benson's Mīmāṃsānyāyasaṅgraha, in «Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Südasiens», september 2011 (forthcoming).
—(with Tiziana Pontillo) ''When one thing applies more than once: tantra and prasaṅga in Śrautasūtra, Mīmāṃsā and Grammar'', in Tiziana Pontillo and Maria Piera Candotti (eds.), Signless Signification. Ancient India and Greece Reflections on Denotation in absentia, Anthem, London (forthcoming).
—"Mīmāṃsā", in Purushottama Bilimoria, Richard Kind and Guy Petterson (eds.), The History of Indian Philosophy, Routledge (forthcoming).
—''Review of James Benson's translation and edition of Mahādeva Vedāntin's Mīmāṃsānyāyasaṅgraha'', in Acta Orientalia (Societates Orientales Danica, Fennica, Norvegica, Svecica) (forthcoming).

–Introduzione alla Mīmāṃsā, Università “Sapienza”, Roma, aprile 2004.
Presentazione del libro curato da F. Squarcini “Boundaries, Dynamics and Construction of Traditions in South Asia” (Munshiram Manoharlal and FUP NEw Delhi-Firenze 2005), Università “Sapienza̦”, Roma, maggio 2007.
–È possibile un trattamento realista di errore e assenza? La risposta di Kumārila Bhaṭṭa, XIII Convegno dell'Associazione Italiana Studi Sanscriti, Roma, 25-26 gennaio 2007.
–La Natura nella filosofia indiana, (10 lectures), Università Statale degli Studi di Milano, ottobre 2008.
–La Parola nella Filosofia Indiana, Udine, 26 novembre 2008.
–Soggetto e oggetto si incontrano: la filosofia dell'azione nella Mimamsa. XIV Convegno dell'Associazione Italiana Studi Sanscriti, Napoli, 25 settembre 2009.
–Did Mimamsa authors formulate a theory of action?, IIGRS (see, Oxford, september 2009.
–Il cammino del desiderio (kāmamārga) nella filosofia indiana, Università Statale degli Studi di Milano, 17 novembre 2009.
–Does the subject have desires? The Prābhākara Mīmāṃsā answer, IIGRS 2, Cambridge, 23-24 september 2010.
–Quando una sola prescrizione continua a valere anche in absentia: prospettive dalla ritualistica, Il segno e il vuoto, Cagliari 8-9 aprile 2011.
—The Study of Indian Linguistics. Prescriptive Function of Language in the Nyāyamañjarī
and in the Speech Act Theory, Moscow University for the Humanities, Open pages in South Asian Studies, 27-28 april 2011.
—Filosofia ed epistemologia nell’India Classica, Collegio di Milano, 3 novembre 2011.
—(with Artemij Keidan), What is the goal one has in view while editing a philosophical work?, 15th World Sanskrit Conference, New Delhi 5-10 January 2012.

Academic positions and Scholarships awarded in South Asian sphere:
–Erasmus scholarship (march the 1st 1999-july the 31st 1999).
–Full scholarship during the PhD (november the 1st 2002-october the 31st 2005).
–Renewable grant awarded by the University of Milan for training activities in a foreign country (november the 1st 2007-october the 31st 2008).
-Grant awarded by the University of Milan for training activities in a foreign country (november the 1st 2008-october the 31st 2009).
–Research Fellow of Sanskrit at the University "Sapienza", Rome (january the 1st 2009-to present).
—Michael Coulson Fellowship, Wolfson College, Oxford, febrary-april 2011.
—Japanese Society for the Promotion of Sciences Fellowship, University of Kyushu, March 2012.
—Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia, Lise Meitner Project funded by the FWF, September 2012–October 2014.

Teaching experiences in South Asian studies:
–teaching and tuition of Sanskrit Language (first to fourth semester) at university “La Sapienza”, Rome (october 2002-october 2004).
–teaching of easy Sanskrit texts to students up from 4th semester (noticeably Bhagavadgītā, text along with Śrīdhara’s commentary) (march 2004-july 2004).
–lecturing of Indian Philosophies and Religions at university “La Sapienza”, Rome (march 2007-july 2007).

Teaching experiences in Philosophy (non Indian):
—teaching and tuition on Immanuel Kant's Kritik der reinen Vernunft (2012–2013)
—teaching and tuition on B. Russell's The problems of philosophy (2012–2013)

Editorial and working experiences related to South Asian Studies:
–librarian at the Oriental Studies Library of “La Sapienza” University, Rome (october 1999-october 2001).
–translation (from German into Italian) of Wilhelm Halbfass’ Dharma, ānvīkṣikī, Philosophie, published in F. Squarcini (ed.), Verso l’India. Oltre l’India, Mimesis Milano 2003
–editing of Sanskrit and Hindi in F. Squarcini (ed.), Verso l’India. Oltre l’India, Mimesis Milano 2003.
–editing of journals related to South Asian studies (“Religioni e Società”, “Viniyoga in Italia”, “Rivista di Studi Sudasiatici”).
–editing of Indian and Tibetan languages, index of names and works for Storia della Scienza, 2. Cina, India, Americhe, Istituto dell’Enciclopedia Italiana Roma 2001.


Sunday, April 1, 2007

Perche' dobbiamo fare comparazione?

Il procedere del comprendere è comparare, col simile e col dissimile. Si procede per successiva approssimazine tramite identità e differenze, non si coglie ex novo, e nihilo, un nuovo argomento.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Diritto e interpretazione

L'interpretazione, la possibilità dell'interpretazione è l'antidoto al fondamentalismo, alla cristallizzazione di una Legge immutabile. Il diritto non è sinonimo di Legge totalitaria e fondamentalista, anzi del diritto fa parte integrante l'interpretazione. Il che implica che c'è spazio per interpretazione anche nell'Islam e nelle leggi di Manu. Purché non si tocchi il presupposto trascendente, ossia i cinque pilastri o l'ambito alaukika/prescrittivo del Veda. I quali poi possono e forse debbono essere interpretati in senso non relato al saeculum.
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